发布时间:2016-06-03 16:38:59     发布者:yz     浏览次数:

标题:Engineering web maps with gradual content zoom based on streaming vector data作者:Huang, Lina; Meijers, Martijn; Suba, Radan; van Oosterom, Peter

来源出版物:ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING 卷:114 页码:274-293 DOI: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2015.11.011 出版年:APR 2016

摘要:Vario-scale data structures have been designed to support gradual content zoom and the progressive transfer of vector data, for use with arbitrary map scales. The focus to date has been on the server side, especially on how to convert geographic data into the proposed vario-scale structures by means of automated generalisation. This paper contributes to the ongoing vario-scale research by focusing on the client side and communication, particularly on how this works in a web-services setting. It is claimed that these functionalities are urgently needed, as many web-based applications, both desktop and mobile, require gradual content zoom, progressive transfer and a high performance level. The web-client prototypes developed in this paper make it possible to assess the behaviour of vario-scale data and to determine how users will actually see the interactions. Several different options of web-services communication architectures are possible in a vario-scale setting. These options are analysed and tested with various web-client prototypes, with respect to functionality, ease of implementation and performance (amount of transmitted data and response times). We show that the vario-scale data structure can fit in with current web-based architectures and efforts to standardise map distribution on the internet. However, to maximise the benefits of vario-scale data, a client needs to be aware of this structure. When a client needs a map to be refined (by means of a gradual content zoom operation), only the 'missing' data will be requested. This data will be sent incrementally to the client from a server. In this way, the amount of data transferred at one time is reduced, shortening the transmission time. In addition to these conceptual architecture aspects, there are many implementation and tooling design decisions at play. These will also be elaborated on in this paper. Based on the experiments conducted, we conclude that the vario-scale approach indeed supports gradual content zoom and the progressive web transfer of vector data. This is a big step forward in making vector data at arbitrary map scales available to larger user groups. (C) 2015 International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Inc. (ISPRS).




作者关键词:Internet/Web, GIS, Simplification, Spatial Infrastructures, Vector, Mobile


通讯作者地址:Meijers, M, Delft Univ Technol, Fac Architecture & Built Environm, OTB Res, GIS Technol, Julianalaan 134, NL-2628 BL Delft, Netherlands.



[Huang, Lina] Wuhan Univ, Sch Resource & Environm Sci, 129 Luoyu Rd, Wuhan 430072, Hubei, Peoples R China.

[Huang, Lina; Meijers, Martijn; Suba, Radan; van Oosterom, Peter] Delft Univ Technol, Fac Architecture & Built Environm, OTB Res, GIS Technol, Julianalaan 134, NL-2628 BL Delft, Netherlands.

[Huang, Lina] Delft Univ Technol, NL-2628 BL Delft, Netherlands.

研究方向:Physical Geography; Geology; Remote Sensing; Imaging Science & Photographic Technology


eISSN: 1872-8235


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