陈玉敏发表会议论文Research on Event-based Update of Spatial-Temporal Information of Multisource Sensor
发布时间:2015-09-02 09:31:02     发布者:yz     浏览次数:

标题:Research on Event-based Update of Spatial-Temporal Information of Multisource Sensor作者:Chen, Yumin; Li, Te; Zeng, Fei; Mu, Xiaoyan; Wang, Jiang

来源出版物:2014 22ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GEOINFORMATICS (GEOINFORMATICS 2014), 2014 丛书:International Conference on Geoinformatics出版年:2014

会议: 22nd International Conference on Geoinformatics (GeoInformatics)

会议地点: Taiwan Geog Informat Syst Ctr, Kaohsiung, TAIWAN

会议日期: JUN 25-27, 2014

摘要:Research on data update mechanism based on geographic events provides an important foundation for ensuring data accuracy and freshness, improving data quality, and supporting the running of city. This paper studies spatial-temporal information update method, which is based on geographic events, and it studies the characteristics of different types of events and establishes the rules of update process of changes and unexpected events and the linkage update rule of the sensor which has linkage effects. This paper describes the workflow of the update system, and verifies the feasibility and effectiveness of the update system using real-time update of temperature changes.


文献类型:Proceedings Paper


作者关键词:Event, update, rule base, temperature

通讯作者地址:Li, Te;



[Chen, Yumin; Li, Te; Zeng, Fei; Mu, Xiaoyan; Wang, Jiang] Wuhan Univ, Sch Resource & Environm Sci, Wuhan 430079, Peoples R China.

研究方向:Computer Science; Engineering; Geology



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