发布时间:2016-04-18 10:24:20     发布者:yz     浏览次数:

标题:Evaluation and Clustering Maps of Groundwater Wells in the Red Beds of Chengdu, Sichuan, China作者:Zhang, Haijing; Du, Qingyun; Yao, Min; Ren, Fu

来源出版物:SUSTAINABILITY 卷:8 期:1 文献编号:UNSP 87 DOI: 10.3390/su8010087 出版年:JAN 2016

摘要:Since the start of the 21st century, groundwater wells have been placed in red beds to solve the problem of scarce water resources in Southwest China and have rapidly expanded to other areas. By providing examples of cartography in Chengdu and Sichuan, China, and using the locations of groundwater in fractures and pores when monitoring and managing red sandstone and mudstone wells, a series of maps of groundwater wells at different scales in the red beds of Chengdu was obtained. Most of the wells located in red beds are located in Jintang, Dayi, and Qingbaijiang and exhibit different cluster features. The kernel density estimation and spatial cluster analysis classification methods were used based on the Density Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise algorithm (DBSCAN) in three concentrated areas. This method describes the trends of the clustering results and the relationships between the locations of residents and red bed wells. The cartography results show that the groundwater wells in red beds are mainly distributed in hilly areas and partially correspond with the locations of villages and settlements, particularly their geological and topographic factors, which satisfy the maximum requirements of water use and recycling in Southwest China. The irrigation wells located in red beds are not only reliable and efficient but also replace inefficient water resources in the recharge-runoff-discharge groundwater process, which promotes the sustainable development of groundwater resources.




作者关键词:groundwater wells in red beds, point clustering, drinking water, irrigation, DBSCAN


通讯作者地址:Ren, F, Wuhan Univ, Sch Resource & Environm Sci, 129 Luoyu Rd, Wuhan 430079, Peoples R China.

电子邮件地址:zhanghaijing@whu.edu.cn; qydu@whu.edu.cn; clric-ym2007@163.com; renfu@whu.edu.cn


[Zhang, Haijing; Du, Qingyun; Ren, Fu] Wuhan Univ, Sch Resource & Environm Sci, 129 Luoyu Rd, Wuhan 430079, Peoples R China.

[Zhang, Haijing; Du, Qingyun; Ren, Fu] Wuhan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Geog Informat Syst, 129 Luoyu Rd, Wuhan 430079, Peoples R China.

[Zhang, Haijing; Du, Qingyun; Ren, Fu]Wuhan Univ, Natl Adm Surveying Mapping & Geoinformat, Key Lab Digital Mapping & Land Informat Applicat, 129 Luoyu Rd, Wuhan 430072, Peoples R China.

[Yao, Min] Chengdu Land & Resource Informat Ctr, 69 Jinxiu West Rd, Chengdu 610072, Peoples R China.

研究方向:Environmental Sciences & Ecology



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