Agreement on Double Master’s Program
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Wuhan University
Article 1: Background
WHEREAS Erasmus University Rotterdam (hereinafter referred to as EUR) and Wuhan University (hereinafter referred to as WHU) are motivated by a common interest to develop cooperation, and to facilitate the participation of students from WHU in Msc in Urban Management and Development (hereinafter referred to as UMD) in Institute of for Housing and Urban Development Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam (hereinafter referred to as IHS).
Now THEREFORE the Universities agree to enter into this agreement.
Article 2: Admission requirements
1. WHU students shall have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university or similar institute in a field relevant to courses in UMD, and shall register in the Master Program of Human Geography in the School of Resources and Environmental Science of WHU.
2. WHU students must obtain a minimum TOFEL score of 575(paper-based)/232 (computer-based)/ 90 (internet-based) or IELTS min. 6.5, no subtest lower than 5.5 prior to admission. WHU students will be encouraged to complete a language and cultural orientation course at HIS prior to their initial matriculation (if there is any).
Article 3: Implementation of the Program
1. WHU is responsible for promotion of the program and undertakes preparation of recruitment for the program.
2. WHU students will study at WHU for the first academic year, at IHS as full time students for the second, and then return to WHU to complete their thesis in the third.
3. At the end of the second year, successful WHU students will receive a MSc in 3rban Management and Development form IHS. WHU recognize the study experience of program students and recognize credits they’ve received at IHS. At the end of the third year, successful students will receive a MSc from WHU.
4. IHS will appoint a contact officer and/or person to give WHU students necessary guidance on academic requirements and living conditions to help adjust to life in the Netherlands upon their arrival and during their period of study.
Article 4: Selection of Candidates
1. The program could accommodate steady state of up to 3 to 5 postgraduate students per year, and any variance of the number in any specific year could be consulted and agreed upon in writing by both parties.
2. Students selection starts at mid-February of each year and the deadline for application is mid-April.
3. WHU students will apply online for the IHS MSc in UMD upload such documents as their bachelor degree, transcript of WHU courses they’ve followed, motivation statement and Proof of English proficiency.
Article 5: Financial Arrangements
1.WHU Students shall be responsible for all personal expenses, including but not limited to, tuition fee, health insurance, medical costs, housing, meals, transportation, books, passport and visa. Both parties will help students to apply for any possible scholarships or financial aid.
2. Within the framework of the agreement. IHS will offer a 20% discount on its regular tuition fee for each of WHU students from its School of Resources and Environmental Science.
Article 6: Validity, Duration and Termination of Agreement
1. This agreement will become effective from the date of signatures by official representatives of both parties and remain valid for the initial period of five years (2014-2018). The agreement will be reviewed no less than six months prior to the scheduled termination of the current agreement and may be extended and renewed by mutual agreement for another five years. At any time, the terms of this Agreement may be amended by mutual agreement in a written notice.
2. The Agreement may be terminated by either school with a six-month notice. No applications shall be considered after this notice; however, the schools will continue to fulfil their obligations with regard to any WHU students enrolled in the program until the completion of their study plans.
3. The Agreement should be concluded in two original documents, written in English and Chinese. The two documents carry equal legal status. Should any disputes arise regarding the intent or stipulations with this agreement, both parties agree to make a good faith effort to resolve their differences and arrive at a solution that reflects the shared interests of both sides.
On behalf of EUR | On behalf of WHU |
Prof. LIU Yaolin Dean, School of Resources and Environmental Science |
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