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发布时间:2017-06-26 14:09:33     发布者:yz     浏览次数:

标题:An Improved RANSAC for 3D Point Cloud Plane Segmentation Based on Normal Distribution Transformation Cells作者:Li, L (Li, Lin); Yang, F (Yang, Fan); Zhu, HH (Zhu, Haihong); Li, DL (Li, Dalin); Li, Y (Li, You); Tang, L (Tang, Lei)

来源出版物:REMOTE SENSING 卷:9 期:5文献编号:433 DOI:10.3390/rs9050433 出版年:MAY 2017

摘要:Plane segmentation is a basic task in the automatic reconstruction of indoor and urban environments from unorganized point clouds acquired by laser scanners. As one of the most common plane-segmentation methods, standard Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC) is often used to continually detect planes one after another. However, it suffers from the spurious-plane problem when noise and outliers exist due to the uncertainty of randomly sampling the minimum subset with 3 points. An improved RANSAC method based on Normal Distribution Transformation (NDT) cells is proposed in this study to avoid spurious planes for 3D point-cloud plane segmentation. A planar NDT cell is selected as a minimal sample in each iteration to ensure the correctness of sampling on the same plane surface. The 3D NDT represents the point cloud with a set of NDT cells and models the observed points with a normal distribution within each cell. The geometric appearances of NDT cells are used to classify the NDT cells into planar and non-planar cells. The proposed method is verified on three indoor scenes. The experimental results show that the correctness exceeds 88.5% and the completeness exceeds 85.0%, which indicates that the proposed method identifies more reliable and accurate planes than standard RANSAC. It also executes faster. These results validate the suitability of the method.




作者关键词: point cloud; plane segmentation; normal distribution transformation; RANSAC; NDT features


通讯作者地址: Li, L (reprint author), Wuhan Univ, Sch Resource & Environm Sci, 129 Luoyu Rd, Wuhan 430079, Peoples R China.

Li, L (reprint author), Wuhan Univ, Collaborat Innovat Ctr Geospatial Technol, 129 Luoyu Rd, Wuhan 430079, Peoples R China.

电子邮件地址: lilin@whu.edu.cn; yhlx125@163.com; hhzhu@whu.edu.cn; lidalin@whu.edu.cn; boycecug@gmail.com; leitang@whu.edu.cn


[Li, Lin; Yang, Fan; Zhu, Haihong; Li, Dalin; Li, You; Tang, Lei] Wuhan Univ, Sch Resource & Environm Sci, 129 Luoyu Rd, Wuhan 430079, Peoples R China.

[Li, Lin] Wuhan Univ, Collaborat Innovat Ctr Geospatial Technol, 129 Luoyu Rd, Wuhan 430079, Peoples R China.

研究方向:Remote Sensing



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