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发布时间:2017-10-13 17:18:52     发布者:yz     浏览次数:

标题: Spectroscopic characterization of dissolved organic matter from sludge solubilization treatment by micro-bubble technologyLei作者: Wang, L (Wang, Lei); Li, YJ (Li, Ying-Jun); Xiong, Y (Xiong, Ying); Mao, XH (Mao, Xu-Hui); Zhang, LY (Zhang, Lie-Yu); Xu, JF (Xu, Jian-Feng); Tan, WB (Tan, Wen-Bing); Wang, JS (Wang, Jin-Sheng); Li, TT (Li, Tong-Tong); Xi, BD (Xi, Bei-Dou); Wang, DH (Wang, Di-Hua)

来源出版物: ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING 卷: 106 页: 94-100 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2017.05.032 子辑: A 出版年: SEP 2017

摘要: In this study, the micro-bubble were used for the sludge solubilization process. In order to investigatethe enhancement of sludge solubilization by micro-bubbles, the performance of the micro-bubble system and a conventional bubble system (the control one) was compared in terms of sludge solubilization. The performance in the micro-bubble reactor was much better than the control one, as a result total suspended solid (TSS) was rapidly decreased to 2325.19 TSSL-1. To investigate the mechanism of the sludge solubilization, the constituents of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from the sludge solubilizationwas investigated using fluorescence spectroscopy. Compared to the DOM from the reactor using conventional bubbles, the DOM from the micro-bubbles reactor contained higher protein-and humic-like substances. Moreover, the total integrated fluorescence intensity (TOT) were constantly decreased by 18.37% in the control one and increased by 34.39% in the micro-bubble reactor. The results mean that the sludge were effectively solubilized, and organic molecules were released. Polymerase chain reactions-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) was used to analyse the microbial communities after a micro-bubble process. The dominant bacteria in the micro-bubble reactor were identified as Delftia sp., Sphenophorus levis and Stenotrophomonas sp., which were benefit to the cleavage of refractory organics. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) inspection showed that the sludge after the micro-bubbleprocess presented more pores and channels on the sludge surface; the micro-bubbles was good at forming zoogloea, which was helpful for oxygen and mass transfer. Overall, the results indicate that themicro-bubbles aeration could improve the solubilization of sludge. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

入藏号: WOS:000405512600011

语种: English

文献类型: Article

作者关键词: Micro-bubble; Sludge solubilization; SEM; PCR-DGGE; Excitation-emission matrix (EEM) spectraa


地址: [Wang, Lei; Mao, Xu-Hui; Xi, Bei-Dou; Wang, Di-Hua] Wuhan Univ, Sch Resource & Environm Sci, Wuhan 430079, Hubei, Peoples R China.

[Wang, Lei; Zhang, Lie-Yu; Xu, Jian-Feng; Tan, Wen-Bing; Wang, Jin-Sheng; Li, Tong-Tong; Xi, Bei-Dou] Chinese Res Inst Environm Sci, Groundwater & Environm Syst Engn Innovat Base, State Environm Protect Key Lab Simulat & Control, Beijing 100012, Peoples R China.

[Li, Ying-Jun] Beijing Vocat Coll Agr, Beijing 100012, Peoples R China.

[Xiong, Ying] Beijing Univ Civil Engn & Architecture, Key Lab Urban Stormwater Syst & Water Environm, Beijing 100044, Peoples R China.

[Xu, Jian-Feng] Shanghai Univ, Sch Environm & Chem Engn, Shanghai 200444, Peoples R China.

通讯作者地址: Wang, DH (通讯作者),Wuhan Univ, Sch Resource & Environm Sci, Wuhan 430079, Hubei, Peoples R China.

Xi, BD (通讯作者),Chinese Res Inst Environm Sci, Groundwater & Environm Syst Engn Innovat Base, State Environm Protect Key Lab Simulat & Control, Beijing 100012, Peoples R China.

电子邮件地址: xibeidou@yeah.net; Dihuawang@whu.edu.cn

研究方向: Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Engineering

ISSN: 0925-8574

eISSN: 1872-6992


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