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发布时间:2021-03-05 08:33:44     发布者:易真     浏览次数:

标题: A facile strategy to synthesize graphitic carbon-encapsulated core-shell nanocomposites derived from CO2 as functional materials

作者: Yu, R (Yu, Rui); Deng, BW (Deng, Bowen); Zheng, KY (Zheng, Kaiyuan); Wang, XY (Wang, Xingyi); Du, KF (Du, Kaifa); Wang, DH (Wang, Dihua)

来源出版物: COMPOSITES COMMUNICATIONS : 22 文献号: 100464 DOI: 10.1016/j.coco.2020.100464 出版年: DEC 2020

摘要: A facile strategy to design graphitic carbon-encapsulated NiCo core-shell nanocomposites (NiCo@g-C) is achieved by a simple co-electrolysis process involving CO2 reduction. Carbon derived from the captured CO2 is uniformly deposited on the surface of as-prepared NiCo particle to form homogeneous coatings at a suitable processing condition. It is very interesting to reveal that the carbon coatings are in graphitic structures with an average thickness of similar to 70 nm due to the in-situ catalytic graphitization effect of reduced transition metal (Ni, Co). More interestingly, it is found that the as-formed graphite coatings can effectively inhibit the sintering between NiCo nucleis under a high operating temperature, resulting in the smaller particle size of NiCo@g-C than that of the obtained NiCo alloys without carbon coatings. Owing to the novel nanostructures, the NiCo@g-C shows excellent magnetic properties and enhanced hydrogen evolution reaction activity in comparison with bare NiCo alloys. This work gives a new clue to designing functional carbon-encapsulated metal/alloy composites with unique nanostructures at a relatively mild condition.

入藏号: WOS:000604640400004

语言: English

文献类型: Article

作者关键词: Functional composites; CO2 reduction; Core-shell nanostructures; Magnetic properties; Electrochemical reactions

地址: [Yu, Rui; Deng, Bowen; Zheng, Kaiyuan; Wang, Xingyi; Du, Kaifa; Wang, Dihua] Wuhan Univ, Sch Resource & Environm Sci, Hubei Int Sci & Technol Cooperat Base Sustainable, Wuhan 430072, Peoples R China.

通讯作者地址: Wang, DH (通讯作者)Wuhan Univ, Sch Resource & Environm Sci, Hubei Int Sci & Technol Cooperat Base Sustainable, Wuhan 430072, Peoples R China.

电子邮件地址: wangdh@whu.edu.cn


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