Applications are invited for a one year Masters course in Synthetic Biology
hosted by The Department Biochemical Engineering at UCL.
Synthetic biology is the engineering of biology: the synthesis of complex,
biologically based, or inspired, systems which display functions that do not exist
in nature. The rational and systematic design of biology may help us to address
the major challenges of the future.
The course has been designed and run by Professor John Ward, UCL.
This one year, full time Master of Research (Mres) course includes:
MRes in Synthetic Biology
• Taught course in Synthetic Biology
• Research Skills
• Critical analysis of the Scientific Literature
• An extended Research Project.
In the few years since this exciting discipline has been established there is
already a major success in the production of anti-malarial drugs from
microorganisms designed using Synthetic Biology.
Future possible applications of Synthetic Biology could include the engineering of
new bio-fuels, new medical applications, synthetic metabolic pathways for fine
chemicals, nanoscale biological computers, new approaches to cleaning up
dangerous waste and sensitive biosensors for health or security applications.
Research projects in these areas are available.
Enquiries and Administrative contact: Jana Small
Application information: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/biochemeng/students/mres